Thursday, June 5, 2008

Let's Get Moving!!


I’m really glad that you are here.

I want to start by just telling you where I am in all this and why I decided to start this group. First off, I have always been really excited by people who want to change their lifestyles and become healthy – I worked as a trainer in NC years ago and though I was not a "licensed trainer" (no real schooling, just a program through the gym) – I LOVED being an encouragement for people who would come in wanting to work and got teary eyed just about every time I saw weight drop or inches come off.

I have always been interested in and pretty good about exercising and have been very involved in sports my whole life. I haven’t been AS good about eating right – but I read a lot about it and definitely know how. So I’ll be working as hard as you all on that aspect. I think God originally put this idea in my head a very long time ago. Back when our previous Pastor was here – he actually approached me about doing some kind of exercise class or something to that effect. I was intrigued at the time and flattered that he asked me to do it – but not ready at that point to really even think about it. I felt very under-qualified, wasn’t trained as any kind of fitness instructor and basically just shut the door and my mind to it.

Well, here we are five or so years later and I’m finally stepping out ON FAITH!! to do 'something'. At this point, it’s still a work in progress and we’ll all be learning as we go.

I’m a HUGE fan of the show The Biggest Loser and again have to get out the tissues for just about every episode. The fact that these men and women – in front of a whole country – put themselves out there because they KNOW they need to change themselves is just overwhelming and amazing to me. I would love to be their trainers - just to be a part of that. So really I’m hoping to live out a little bit of a dream here - if I can be a part of your lifestyle change – I would be honored to do so. I have no doubt that this will quite possibly be more fulfilling for me than for each of you.

The greatest part about doing this through the church is that we are going to have something the Biggest Loser doesn’t have (or at least not that they are outwardly advertising or admitting to). We have the help, strength and power of God to help us all through this. I’m finding more and more reasons to pray and am usually in awe of all the things God will help us with if we just ask. Changing our bodies and our mindset on eating and exercising is just another one of those things. Willpower is nothing compared to the power of prayer. So be prepared to use that often during the next 18 weeks!

I’m so proud that you are here and willing to be a part of this. What everyone should know and remember though is that no matter what happens – we have a God who loves us JUST THE WAY WE ARE RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT! He loves us because we are His children. Whether we are 50 pounds or 500 pounds doesn’t make a difference to Him. But - that doesn’t mean that He wants us to stay unhealthy...or stuck in a place that isn’t good for us. He will be there for each of us each step of the way and will provide the strength, the people and the resources we need to reach our goals.

I think we’d all agree that the end goal for each of us is to be more healthy and fit by the end of the 18 weeks. However, with the differences of the people participating here – I think we will all reach that goal by different means. So, you can choose which option you think will most help you attain your personal goal.

Option1: Weekly encouragement, exercise ideas/plan, recipe ideas, accountability and Biblical insight is enough for you. By keeping track of how you’re doing based on how you feel, how your clothes fit, and possibly checking in on the scale every once in awhile – you’ll be able to accomplish what you had hoped for. No real need for competition.

Option 2: Competition works for you! "The Biggest Loser of Lakewood" is a title you want and will strive for. You’ll still receive everything from Option 1, but you will also be putting $1 in the "Bread Basket" each week and participating in weekly weigh ins to determine who’s got the highest weight loss percentage at the end of the 18 weeks.

You can choose which grouping you’d like to be a part of and we’ll get an official starting weight from everyone participating in Option 2 next Friday night. I hope to share exercises, recipes, short devotionals and have some discussion time each week to see how people are doing, share goals, talk about what does and doesn’t work and have some accountability take place.

Please keep in mind that I am NOT a trainer, nutritionist, counselor or physical therapist. Think of me more as your cheerleader and accountability partner in this. I will be offering suggestions to you based on things I’ve read or have experienced first hand that have worked for me. If you have an exercise or food plan that already works for you – and you just need the extra “cheering” to help keep you motivated then by all means, do what works for you.

Everything I suggest will be small, gradual steps that will help to change your lifestyle and my guess is that there probably won’t be much that you haven’t heard before. The goal here is for you to get healthy for the rest of your life – not just for the next 18 weeks. For some, that will probably mean digging a little deeper to find out what the "issues" are behind your eating habits. For others it will be about boosting your metabolism and moving again. Please be sure to check in with your doctor about any REAL big changes you make to your daily activities…get things cleared so that you don’t injure yourself!

I’m excited to begin this journey with you – and pray that God will lead us all in the directions we need to meet our goals.

Let’s Get Moving!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Donna! Thanks for your wonderful inspiration and commitment to helping us lose those extra pounds!