Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 2

No need to try and do this on your own…God is here to offer His help!

Phil. 1:6 - "...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

You’ve taken a big step in starting "Losin' It". Not only are you admitting that you are ready to change your eating and exercise lifestyles, you are going about it in a way that is healthy and makes sense. More than that, you are allowing yourself to be held accountable by coming each week. This is the beginning of your good work! And although I will consider myself one of your biggest cheerleaders in your efforts to get healthy and fit, please do not for a minute think that I’m all you’ve got!

Aside from me and the others who are here changing along side you, we have a BIG God who wants to see you succeed just as much as I or you yourself want to! Go to Him when the going gets tough, when exercise is the last thing you want to do, when 5 more minutes seems like an eternity or when the refrigerator is calling your name. This is a God who walked on water, gave sight to blind men, calmed a storm with His hand, and fed 5000 hungry people with 2 loaves and 5 fish! Why couldn’t He give you the strength to get through whatever it is YOU need Him for? Every obstacle that you face and overcome can be your own daily miracle! He has promised to help us complete the good work we’ve started. He WANTS to see you do this; pray continually for His help, guidance, strength and grace.

This week as you continue to cut some of those unnecessary calories from your daily intake, or when you are tempted to eat something you know you really shouldn’t - remember some of these alternatives:

  • Pray!
  • Take a short walk / exercise
  • Drink some water
  • Listen to calming music
  • Distract yourself with something in the room or the car
  • Call a friend
  • Take a short nap
  • Do some stretching
  • Play with your dog
  • Play with your kids
  • Watch a movie
  • Clean something
  • Run up & down the stairs to release tension
  • Work on a crossword (or other kind of) puzzle
  • Chew a piece of gum


Continue to slowly move toward eating more of the recommended items on your food list and staying away from those that are high in fat and have extra, not needed calories.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE start your day with some kind of breakfast. You’ll kick your metabolism into gear and will find that you have more energy. An easy breakfast is a glass of skim milk, a piece of wheat toast and some peanut butter.

Try to remember to eat every three to four hours. You’ll be less hungry all day and your body will not go into starvation mode. Your metabolism will continue to speed up as well.

Remember to drink lots of water (and / or low calorie drinks) throughout the day. Here is a schedule you can try to follow:

  • Begin the day – 12 oz. water
  • Before lunch – 12 oz. water
  • After lunch – 12 oz. water
  • Right before dinner – 12 oz. water
  • After dinner (preferably 2 hours before bedtime) – 12 oz. water

Here are some healthy snack ideas: Stock your kitchen with some of these healthy alternatives -

  • Apple and 2 pieces of string cheese
  • Fruit and some cottage cheese
  • Hard boiled eggs and orange slices
  • Tuna fish (in water) with celery and pita bread
  • Reduced fat cheeses with an apple
  • Yogurt and cottage cheese



**Please make sure that you have invested in a good shoe to do your cardio with. A decent shoe can make a huge difference in how you feel and can prevent causing injury to yourself. If you are a runner, you should have a separate shoe to run in than the ones you use for everyday use (walking or otherwise). Runners should replace their shoes every 6-8 months depending on how many miles you are putting on them**.

For week 2, continue to walk (or run, or bike) for a short amount of time each day. Maybe add an additional 5 minutes to the time you did last week. If 5 minutes is too much to add right away…just doing an extra 2 minutes will start to make a difference. In addition to the "cardio" this week we’ll add a little strength training with easy exercises that you can do at home with no additional equipment needed. If you are going to incorporate the strength training – you can reduce your cardio to 3 or 4 times a week...although you’ll only be benefiting yourself by doing it every day!

Find a partner to work out with. Having someone to talk to, cheer you on and hold you accountable can really make your workout great. Also, find some music that you like to listen to as you work out. That can help keep you motivated.


  • Squats – keep your feet shoulder distance apart and bend like you are going to sit down in a chair. Concentrate on keeping your toes up so that the weight is back in your heels. As you push back and bend your knees, bring your arms up in front of you. As you straighten your arms will come back down to your sides.
  • Lunges – stand with your feet together, arms on your hips or at your sides. Keeping your back straight take a step forward bending your knees and getting them as close to the floor as possible. (Be sure to keep your knee in line with your ankle to avoid injury). You can alternate your legs, walk the lunges or stay on one side and lower up and down for a number or reps before you switch to the other leg. Mix it up!
  • Wall Sits – lean up against a wall as if you are sitting in an imaginary chair. Hold that pose for as long as you can with your back flat up against the wall. Easy to do just about anywhere!
  • Calf Raises – just lift up onto your toes and then lower back down. Can be done on the stairs for more of a stretch (have the heel of your foot hanging off the step and then raise up from there).
All leg exercises can be done while holding onto chair or wall at first to keep your balance. Slowly move away from using the help as you get used to the exercises.


  • Pushups – On the wall – Stand straight with your feet about 2-4 feet from a wall. Lean forward and place your hands on the wall with bent elbows. Push your body back to starting position using your hands. The closer you are to the wall, the easier the exercise.
  • Pushups - On the floor – do a regular pushup being sure to keep your back, neck and head in a straight line. Hold your stomach in and keep your lower back from sagging. If a regular pushup (legs extended) is too difficult, start with your knees bent and work your way up.
  • Shoulder raises – Begin with your hands at your sides and slowly and purposefully, bring your arms up to shoulder height (you can bring them up to the side or to the front). Do not use momentum. Return to starting position.
  • Bicep Curls – Sit or stand with feet shoulder width apart. Start with arms at your sides, palms facing up. Bending at the elbow, slowly bring your arm up as if you are going to touch your shoulder. Use your own resistance and pretend like someone is pushing down on your forearm as you are pulling it up.
  • Tricep Dip – Hold on to the edge of a bench (or table or desk) with your feet out in front of you (the farther away your feet, the harder the exercise). Slowly lower yourself down toward the ground by bending your arms at the elbow. Lift yourself back up by straightening your arms.
  • Back (Rear Delt Fly) – Sit on the edge of a chair or bench and lean forward from your hips, flattening your back. If you can, rest your chest on your knees. Place your hands behind your calves with your palms facing each other. Tuck your chin into your chest. Raise your arms to the sides, gradually bending your elbows as they come up. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Pause at the top of the extension and then slowly lower back down.


  • Crunches – Lay flat on the floor with your knees bent. Stomach pulled in and arms behind your head. Slowly raise your shoulders up off the floor and feel your abs contract. Exhale as you come up...hold for a second and then lower back down.
  • Plank – Lie face down on the floor resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows. Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abs to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air. Hold as long as you can - lower and then repeat.
Start off slow ... doing just 5-10 reps of each exercise at any given time. Your body and muscles will start to respond and little by little, you’ll find that you’ll be able to add more reps – and eventually some weights to these exercise to get even more benefits. If your body is not used to any kind of strength training, then alternate days of upper and lower body workouts. Your core can be done on a daily basis – it’s the most important thing to strengthen.


WAHOO Moments: These are the small, yet important things that you tell me your doing each week that deserve a BIG WAHOO for YOU!! Be sure to share your successes with us no matter how small!

! Jackie started a walking CD and has been drinking A LOT of water
! Bill chose to only have one helping at his meals
! Tim lost 6 pounds by EATING BREAKFAST

What’s YOUR WAHOO moment this week! Please let me know!!


ADMIN STUFF: Due to majority vote, we will now be meeting on Monday nights in the youth room (God’s garage) at 7:00 p.m. Once FPU is over we’ll see if it would be more beneficial to move back into the office or stay where we are at.

Feel free to contact me anytime with questions, bits of advice, ideas or WAHOO for YOU moments at:

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